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1998 cafe 正嘢冰室:Beginner's Class in Japanese Mizuhiki Accessories 日本水引飾品入門班

  • 101 Castle Blvd, Nottingham NG7 1FE (map)

"Mizuhiki" is a traditional Japanese craft that uses knotted cords to create beautiful designs 💁🏻. All materials are directly imported from Japan to the UK. The workshop will provide participants with different colored Mizuhiki cords, allowing them to create a unique cat keychain and enjoy a therapeutic experience. Additionally, breakfast will be specially arranged so that everyone can eat while they create, interact with each other, and make new friends.

Mizuhiki是一重日本傳統工藝,以水引繩結去製造💁🏻。 所有材料均由日本直送英國,手工班會提供不同色彩水引繩,讓參加者創作一個獨一無二的貓咪匙扣,享受不一樣嘅療癒體驗。 同時正嘢會特別安排早餐,讓大家可以邊玩邊食,互相交流、認識新朋友。

Audience: Suitable for beginners

Fee: £17

Number of participants: 4-8 people

Discount for Active Members/HK March Card holders: £15