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AuLaw Organic Urban Farming Tour - 歐羅都市耕種遊學團

The farmer will by your guide to wander around New Malden, known as "Little Korea", to learn about urban agriculture in the UK, and how Hongkongers can contribute to the community and connect various communities by farming Asian vegetables. You will learn about different farming methodss, site designs and keys of cropping management in three growing areas. After the event, you can enjoy delicious Korea food, or visit to the Korean supermarket to buy some good deals.

由農夫帶大家遊走有「小韓國」之稱的New Malden,認識英國的都市農業,以及香港人如何藉著耕種亞洲菜,貢獻社區和連結各個社群。我們會在三個種植區了解到不同的耕作形式、場地設計和當茬作物的打理要點。活動過後,大家可以到韓式餐廳醫肚,或到韓國超市掃貨。