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Parent-child Little Chef @Reading - Heritage of Hong Kong Cha Chaan Teng Culture 雷丁親子小廚神 - 傳承港式茶餐廳文化

  • Room 4 & Kitchen, Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC) (35-39 London St, Reading RG1 4PS) (map)



Good Neighbour Church England, in collaboration with Blossom Community HK, brings the flavours of Cha Chaan Teng (Hong Kong-style Cafe) to the Reading community. Parents and children can not only work together to make egg tarts but also witness the preparation of Hong Kong-style milk tea up close. This provides an opportunity to understand the stories behind the Intangible Cultural Heritages of Hong Kong, passing down the cultural legacy of Cha Chaan Teng.

If you and your children are interested in experiencing the art of making Hong Kong-style afternoon tea, don't miss out!

活動詳情/ Details : ▹ 日期 / Date:2024年3月24日 (星期日)/ 24th March 2024 (Sunday) ▹ 時間 / Time:10:00am-1:00pm ▹ 地點 / Venue:Room 4 & Kitchen, Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC) (35-39 London St, Reading RG1 4PS) ▹ 語言 / Languages :廣東話 / Cantonese ▹ 對象 / Target:5-17歲及其父母或監護人(BNO Visa持有者) / BNO Hongkongers aged 5-17 & Parents/ Guardians ▹ 名額 / Capacity : 12 (先到先得,滿額即止 / First come, first served) ▹ 費用 / Fee:每人£2 / £2 per person (費用須預先經銀行轉賬繳交,詳情會於確認電郵提供 / Fees are required to be paid via bank transfer in advance, details will be provided in the confirmation email.)

▹ 內容 / Content: - 工具材料全包,2小時 / All tools and materials provided, 2 hours - 示範、自己落手製作、品嚐 / Demonstration, hands-on experience, and tasting - 費用包每人2件蛋撻+1杯港式飲品 / Fee includes 2 egg tarts and 1 cup of Hong Kong-style beverage per person (小朋友可選擇不含咖啡因的港式飲品 / Children can choose a caffeine-free Hong Kong-style beverage) - 親子活動:至少2人一組(家長帶一名5-17歲小童),若3名小童參加,則需要2名或以上成人家長陪同參與 / Parent-child activity: At least two people per group (one parent with one child aged 5-17). If three children participate, two or more accompanying adults are required to join.