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Singing Bowl Aroma Session - Sound Bath Workshop (London) 頌缽香氣自愈坊-聲浴療法工作坊(倫敦

  • The Lab at Oaklands Rise, 19 Green Street, NW10 6FT (map)


今次為大家帶來Healing Room 13e既頌缽及聲浴療法工作坊,參加者無需任何頌缽經驗亦無需樂理知識之餘,工作坊更會提供所需的頌缽及配件以供學習和使用,缽聲所生產出來的震動頻率,除左減壓,修養個人身心靈,仲可以令人體組織細胞產生和諧共振,使腦電波、心跳、呼吸等頻率再度回復良好的平衡狀態,舒緩各式身心問題。

The singing bowl is a traditional religious instrument of Tibetan monks, serving both as a musical instrument and as a utensil for daily life in the Himalayan region. When struck, it produces healing frequencies that offer numerous benefits to the body, mind, and soul.

Introducing the Singing Bowl and Sound Bath Workshop by Healing Room 13e, where participants, regardless of their experience with singing bowls or their knowledge of music theory, will receive the necessary bowls and accessories for learning and practice. The vibrations produced by the bowls not only reduce stress and cultivate personal well-being but also induce harmonious resonance within the body's cellular structure, restoring a balanced state to brainwaves, heart rate, breathing, and other frequencies, thereby alleviating various physical and mental issues.

活動詳情 / Details :

日期&時間 / Dates & Time : 總共3堂,每次2小時 Total 3 lessons, each lasts 2 hour.

1.滿月之夜 Full Moon night 24/3/2024 (星期日 /Sunday)

2.香氣之夜 Aroma Session 6/4/2024 (星期六/Saturday)

3.滿月之夜 Full Moon night 23/4/2024(星期二/ Tuesday)

時間 / Time : 06:30 pm - 08:30 pm (英國時間 / UK Time)

地點 / Venue : The Lab at Oaklands Rise, 19 Green Street, NW10 6FT

語言 / Language : 廣東話 & 英文 / Cantonese & English

名額 / Capacity : 每堂10 人 / 10 ppl per lesson

費用 / Cost:每人 £15 / £15 per head

講者 / Speaker : Kit Hung

來自香港的聲音治療師, Kit擁有豐富的聲音治療背景,自2019年起開始練習頌缽療癒和聲音沐浴。他將工作坊帶到香港、德國、美國、以辛巴威和加納等多個國家,協助不同企業進行團隊建設和活動。 他也為來自弱勢群體的個人提供課程,致力將頌缽的體驗融入各個群體中。

Kit Hung, a sound therapist from Hong Kong. He has been practising singing bowls healing and sound bathing since 2019. He has brought his workshops to various locations including Hong Kong, Germany, the United States and several African countries such as Zimbabwe and Ghana, assisting corporate companies during their team building and retreat events. He also offers his session to individuals from the vulnerable communities, exploring the experience of meditation and perceptions beyond intellect.

適合對象 /Suitable for:

- 壓力大的人士 (People under high stress)

- 睡眠質量不佳的人士 (People with poor sleep quality)

- 冥想練習者 (Meditators)

- 情緒困擾者 (People dealing with emotional distress)

- 創意工作者 (Creative professionals)

- 對新體驗感興趣的人士 (People interested in new experiences)

- 對身心靈體驗感興趣的人士 (People interested in holistic experiences)

報名須知 : 參加者請留意個人健康狀況,如你有以下或其他身體狀況,我們並不建議參與本頌缽體驗。

Registration Notice: Participants are advised to consider their personal health conditions. If you have the following or other medical conditions, we do not recommend participating in this singing bowl experience:

- 懷孕 4 個月以下或 7 個月以上 Pregnancy of less than 4 months or more than 7 months

- 曾進行心臟手術並已安裝內置心臟起搏器 Previously undergone heart surgery and implanted with an internal pacemaker

- 曾進行腦部手術或已安裝外置入物 Previously undergone brain surgery or implanted with external devices

- 對金屬敏感 Sensitivity to metals


If you are unsure whether you are suitable for participating in the singing bowl experience, it is recommended to consult a doctor before registering.