Everyone is welcome to join us and watch this epic documentary by Dylan Howitt. It's a story about textile artist Allan Brown's seven-year endeavor to weave a hand-spun dress from stinging nettles foraged in the woods surrounding his home after the death of his beloved wife. From his journey, we may reflect on this "modern-day hymn to the healing power of nature and slow-craft" as Landworkers' Alliance described.
歡迎大家嚟Kingston同本地嘅自然愛好者及土地工作者一齊睇呢套史詩式紀錄片 –– 關於紡織藝術家Allan Brown喺愛妻逝去後,如何喺七年間,用屋企附近野生採摘嘅蕁麻作手工編織。藉此一齊思考,大自然及慢工藝帶俾我哋嘅治癒力量。同場有時令農產製成嘅酒水小食,歡迎留步吹水。